Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Attack of the aggressors 3/4

Finals, stress, and frustrations: all the things I hoped to avoid in Africa.  Well most of the school portion is over now so we can focus on our fun agenda and most importantly serving the Zulu community.  We have a class next week to teach us about community engagement and on Thursday we are set loose into our service sites. I will be serving at a Preschool, nurturing kids who speak little English, working with their families, and raising support for them through gardening.  When it was time for the decision, I had been set on going to Gateway, but God has better plans and I know he will use me at this place.  Hillary and I will be together and we have decided to bake special treats for the kids in the mornings before we go—I am so excited!

Waking up this morning every bone in my upper body ached with pain: the cost of playing ultra intense rugby! Although I was hesitant to go out in the rain, it was the best decision of my life.  Rugby may just be my new calling.  I’ll admit I was slightly nervous having no tackling experience, but the minute I successfully ransacked Sarah there was no return.  I started tackling anyone I encountered: if they had the ball I was there.  It was definitely one of the funnest games I’ve ever played and I shocked myself with my inner ferociousness.  O what a day—only in Africa.  

1 comment:

  1. After 12 days away from the blog... I was going thru withdrawls!!! It was getting ugly. But, as expected, the wait was worth it. Thanks for the update... Just don't make me go through such a drought again.
