Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Impressions 1/22/09

After 29ish hours of traveling (longest plane ride of my life!) all 53 of us have arrived in South Africa! It’s beautifully green with lush palm trees and in the middle of summer.  How different from the cold winter of London and Paris just two weeks ago.  We are all smelly, sticky, and super fatigued, but somehow the excitement of being in the country I have been dreaming of overcomes all those factors. 

We are here to be learners and observers of a culture that is different from our own, and use that knowledge to transform our way of thinking. 

Our mission statement for our 3 ½ months here is as follows:

We, the Spring 2010 South Africa Team, a community of humbled servants, empowered by Christ’s love, unified in joyful, caring, and creative risk-taking inspire to encounter God through community and cultural engagement which opens our minds leading to new life-changing perspectives, broader understanding, global awareness and expanded world views, as we act as agents and recipients of God’s healing for the desperate and broken hearted. 

Prayer Requests:

  • ·       That our minds and bodies adjust easily to the time change
  • ·       That we bond together as a community that acts in love toward one another. 
  • ·       That we respond with joy as we face our initial culture shock
  • ·       That I don’t miss my new fiancé too much : ( 

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