Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Perfectly African Day

Wow the day started off beautifully with a short run at 6 and a jungle exploration after breakfast.  While we were on the path, we ran into a herd of antelope/buck of about 15 simply grazing on the road 20 feet in front of us and inching closer.  What majestic creatures they are! Next in a canopy of trees we passed under a fleet of about 20 monkeys, grooming one another, eating guava, and just hanging out in the tree.  I was certainly entertained just watching each one and playing “where’s waldo” with the monkeys.  (you should try it your self) We took an excursion to the mall later in the day and found all the treasures we had hoped for and more! A little later we went to a movie, so I saw Sherlock Holmes and absolutely loved it.  His way of thinking amazing me and while everyone else came out of the movie drained and sleepy, I emerged fully awake and invigorated.  For a few moments I wanted to change my life plans to become a detective or spy so I could always think in that way and pay attention to such detail, but then I realized that as a journalist its exactly what I do without all the danger, secretiveness, and losing all my loved ones.  Life is ultimately good in South Africa, even in a hearty rain that gushes the water falls and creates floods over the roads.  

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