Monday, February 1, 2010


Tossing in turmoil, I woke from my slumber in a panic.  I dreamed that I had a terrible birthday, with 150 people I didn’t know, I didn’t get any cake, there were rodents running everywhere and I didn’t even feel special.  Happily, when I got out of bed, the day began precisely the opposite.  The hallway outside my door was decorated with balloons and a giant happy birthday poster signed by everyone.  My chalet eagerly greeted me with cheers of happy birthday.  At breakfast the birthday committee had me stand on a chair with a giant birthday hat while everyone sang to me.  I felt especially loved when Reagan prayed for me during chapel, rejoicing in the celebration of the birth of the Father’s daughter.  I miss you family! It’s not the same celebrating without you and your crazy antics.  I missed playing games and eating my favorite foods.  But everyone did a great job of making me feel super special by calling me birthday girl and making a tunnel at tea time to my waiting birthday cake and another singing fest.  We even had a birthday workout after my long day of classes and now I’m waiting to open my present from my dear fiancé when he finally decides to get on Skype.  All in all a good celebration day. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Rachel - I'm your mom's friend from church, and had the privelege of sharing your sister's birthday celebration yesterday as well! I am glad you ended up having a good birthday, and hope you got to Skype your family tonight!!!
