Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A week of field trips

My faithful readers I am so sorry I haven’t written in so long.  Life has been so full of adventures that I want to write about but I’ve had no time to write it all.  Last week was simply amazing.  Our art professor took us on two field trips to different art museums and both times we ate at a coffee shop afterward.  Canaan you’ll like this one: I had a banana bacon sandwich! It was so strange, but so delicious! You should try it.  And at the other place, which was in a fancy hotel teahouse I got lemon tea and cream brulee pie.  The art was also fun: I found an artist that makes her paintings look like scrap booking: art I can identify with! On our biology field trip we had close encounters with giraffes and saw real life discovery channel happenings.  I am growing to appreciate the tiny creatures more and more as our professor points out the grasshoppers, spiders, ants, and other life sustaining animals that all work together as a part of nature. 

On Saturday we went to Durban to a market place and the beach.  At the market we haggled with sellers until they gave us low prices and on a venture into the streets Emma and I were surprised by a fight breaking out just in front of us and several other interesting sights, but a good find in the dress dept.  I loved the beach! The sand was extremely hot, but the water was refreshing.  Sarah, Kohei, and I ventured to play some volleyball with the locals, but we didn’t have socks so our feet couldn’t bear the heat.  We did end up making some friends! Lucky invited us to come back to Durban again and he would bring us our own net and ball: his whole life revolves around beach volleyball.  He is the coordinator for finding the beach volleyball Olympic team and has already been planning for two years.  He is number 19 in South Africa and they play in tournaments every month: we even met the number 6 duo. Watching them play inspired me! I wish I could be watching the winter Olympics right now, but sadly only 1 channel covers it for one hour late at night.  You better be recording iceskating : )  I made another friend at the beach named Tendai.  He works at a factory and is waiting to be an accountant, but he wanted to be a journalist.  He didn’t have the funding to go to school for it, but he writes poems and books in his spare time.  We had this amazing writing connection and I encouraged him to follow his writing heart to see where it takes him.  I am waiting for him to email me one of his poems to see how good he is and maybe help him publish something.  

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