Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love Day

Love is an action and not a feeling, an unselfish act that builds another up in encouragement.  I thought Valentines day would make me terribly sad with missing my fiancé; not being able to even give Jacob a hug or a small present to express our love.  Instead I was completely blown away by how far Jacob’s love for me reaches.  Even the thousands of miles didn’t stop him from delivering flowers and chocolate to my doorstep.  Somehow he researched a local florist and had the most beautiful red roses sent with a thoughtful note! I am so in love with this man of my dreams who surprises me beyond belief and know that I certainly don’t deserve him.  And Jacob even joined me for our delectable dinner of chicken alfredo and garlic bread in the Jabulani hut.  Well kind of.  We drew secret valentines to get a small present and card for and ironically I drew Jacob, the guy here who shares my fiance’s name.  We even drew twice and both times I picked him: Rachel and Jacob are simply meant to be together.  We all dressed up for our fancy dinner and enjoyed watching a movie together afterwards! (The picture below is a reenactment of me burning Sarah's hair off with my curling iron) A perfect day of love!

Today we visited the last service site: a place where 70 kids who have lost their parents due to AIDS play everyday.  They all live with either grandparents, older siblings, or some other relative who was willing to take them in.  The center has seven mentors who interact with 10 kids each: going to their homes, their school, and asking them questions while they play at the center.  Taking an interest in their lives will enable them to have a new future with a job, medical help, and a God who loves them.  It will be difficult to decide which service site to go to, and I have been praying that God will reveal his will.  At another site I could work at a school, baking, organizing, and teaching P.E. and then a woman’s home in the afternoons, building relationship and sharing life.  And still another great option is Walk in the Light ministries where I would help the gardeners and do home visits in the township. 

Prayer Requests:
  • Classes are getting more intense.
  • For my decision of which service site God wants me at. 
  • My relationship with my roommate, who is my complete opposite.
  • That I can build relationships with the AE staff and encourage them as they serve us.
  • That God continues to mold my heart toward his will and reveal himself to me.  

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