Saturday, February 20, 2010

Time Flies

Each day here seems to last forever, but the weeks are passing too quickly! Yet another biology field trip blew my mind with the beauty of God’s creation.  In our exploration of the Umgeni River wetlands we counted insects like water scorpions and crabs to see how polluted the water is.  After the practical side, we half floated, half tromped down the river like real explorers to a beautiful waterfall.  The hills were perfectly green contrasted to the deep blue sky in the marvelous valley.  A little later that day Kailey and I had our first roommate clash.  We came to the realization that we are absolutely 100% complete opposites in every way.  She is a morning person while I love night.  She hates pink, the color I wear nearly everyday.  She has her whole wedding planned without being engaged, I am engaged without any wedding plans.  She likes to have a few close friends and be separate from the group; I thrive in group settings and love interacting with many people.  I like to be invited, while she invites herself.  Its wild, but we have decided that if we ever need to understand the other person we simply think the opposite of how we normally would. 

Friday proved to be a relaxing day without class, full of artistic flair and sporadic naps.  The cooks spoiled us with chicken enchiladas and guacamole! Absolutely delectable! After a game of mow (a game with no set rules), we had a huge bonfire.  Somehow we started playing the trust game: everyone had to make a confession before falling in trust into the arms below the wall.  The best confession was Stacy’s “My mom really does got it goin on.”  Roasting marshmallows and singing together with the guitar ended the starless night perfectly. 

Today’s hike provided excellent fun even if the cave paintings weren’t as amazing as imagined.  We saw baboons and a chameleon which we took home as our pet.  We played in the river in the beautiful Drakensburg Mountains and enjoyed spending time with each other.  

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