Monday, February 1, 2010

Swept away in the Spirit 1/31/09

Officially it’s the last day of January and the day before my birthday.  It seems a new surprise awaits everyday: today God amazed us with a lightening show that lit up the entire sky.  Yesterday held lions and birds of prey, the best being the beautiful owls.  I never knew vultures were such bullies; they attacked each other’s necks and got in a mean fight.  One even flew smack into the wall out of hunger.  Sadly I didn’t get to see the lions up close like the others as the mad owner came marching down saying we couldn’t be standing outside the gate, to which we witnessed Reagan’s anger.  In the midst of wild creatures, God caught my attention, particularly exposing the continual cosmic war between truth and lies.  A wise man asked do you really believe what you believe is really real?’  It gets you thinking… At the Pentecostal church the pastor spoke about the reality of spiritual warfare and how we must be preparing our hearts by obeying now so when the hard times come we can handle it.  I am expecting some very hard things to come up that will refine me as this message has been repeated since we got here.  Extremely different from anything I had ever before experienced, this Church seemed to be full of the Spirit with people dancing and singing in the aisles, praising the Lord in creative ways and joining in the prayers.  While I didn’t necessarily join in, I loved watching their joyfulness before our common King.  Several great conversations were initiated by these experiences and I have enjoyed developing true friendships with some of the people here, seeing into their thoughts and desires.  O and father you will be happy… I am officially lice free : ) 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rachel,

    It's your crazy aunt and cousins wishing you a very Happy Birthday. We think that you are so special and deserve the best birthday ever. We love reading the blog and are praying for you on a daily basis. We love you!

    Aunt Angela and crew
